AX Semantics is an automated content generation tool that converts structured data into streamlined content in about 110 languages.

How AX Semantics improved cross-functional performance by tracking Customer LTV on RevenueStory

AX Semantics is an automated content generation tool that converts structured data into streamlined content in about 110 languages.

The pains


Lack of a common platform for the 40+ member team to monitor core business metrics

Poor visibility

Inability to properly track and measure results of targeted campaigns and experiments

How RevenueStory helped

Reliable reporting

RevenueStory’s reports come with a high degree of customizability and the billing data comes straight from Chargebee.

360° view of the business

Role-based dashboards to help get an overall view of the business metrics and to stay on the same page.

See how Chargebee is a trusted partner in 6500+ growth stories

The issues

Manual reporting: Deterred speed of executing and improving campaigns and experiments.

Scaling operations: Weekly team catch-ups couldn’t be scaled because of fast-changing operations.

The wow-factor

The LTV revelation: Robert and his team are able to identify the actual variables that are truly impacting LTV, and refine the sales and customer success process to maximize the lifetime value.

The Problem

Alignment is challenging when you’re a rapidly growing startup. AX Semantics is a 42-member team with around 300 customers. The headcount is too big for a weekly team catch-up but not big enough to invest in setting up a sophisticated BI tool.

The need to get the team aligned towards a single business goal pushed Robert Weissgraeber, Managing Director and CTO of AX-Semantics, to try out multiple analytics platforms and even build something in-house. But this demanded precious developer hours. Even worse, it didn’t allow AX Semantics to run quick experiments across various parts of their customers’ journeys.

AX Semantics wanted a system that could let them pull out custom subscription reports and metrics. They also absolutely needed something that could get the entire team aligned to their one true objective - Growth.

The Solution

To get everyone aligned toward moving the right needle, Robert divided the customer journey into Acquisition, Leakage, Churn, and retention.

Every month, they picked a single theme, set up corresponding reports in RevenueStory, and directed all their efforts to improve each of these metrics.

“Without RevenueStory, all of this would’ve been tough,'' says Robert. RevenueStory’s metrics & reports made it possible for them to get what would have taken days of manual work into a single real-time dashboard for each function in the team. See more about reporting with Chargebee.

The Pay-off

Lifetime Value (LTV) has always been the major driving factor behind AX-Semantics’ growth and, therefore, one of Robert’s favorite metrics.

While analyzing LTV across users, Robert noticed that the value they derived from customer to customer could vary by over 100%, despite having no significant differences in the inherent customer characteristics.

After digging into Segments in RevenueStory, Robert realized that the difference came down to the sales executives and customer success managers handling these accounts.

This newly discovered knowledge enabled Robert to identify patterns among the high-performing executives and their interactions and structure the processes to emulate them. See how Chargebee drives efficiency into your Revenue Operations.

RevenueStory gives you insights on everything. You don’t need to do any manual exports/imports or get a separate tool. With the data in Chargebee, RevenueStory is all the business intelligence you need.

Robert Weissgraeber, MD & CTO

Tech Stack


Chargebee, Stripe, Datev


Slack, Zapier, Jira


RevenueStory Premium, Chargebee reports



RevenueStory for Chargebee enabled us to get deep into our business financials, reducing our reporting effort basically to zero, while adding extensive options for explorative analysis – all that based on the existing information in Chargebee.
Robert WeissgraeberMD & CTO, AX Semantics
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