Options to create coupons of the following types, have been deprecated:
Since we've started rolling out enhancements around Invoicing and we're also going to support Credit Notes, these coupon options makes things quite complex. To better support subscription features like proration logic and invoice management, it has become necessary for us to stop supporting them.
These coupon options are no longer supported on newly created Chargebee sites and we will be ending support for them on existing sites as well. Deprecation will be done in 3 steps:
Step 1: Creating new coupons: Existing users will not be able to create new coupons using these coupon configurations after July 31, 2015.
Step 2: Archiving existing coupons: Existing coupons that were created using any of the mentioned coupon configurations will be archived in a few weeks after Step 1 is completed.
Current subscriptions using any of these coupon types will not be affected for the time being and discounts will continue to happen as configured. However, the coupons cannot be applied to new subscriptions.
Step 3: Detaching archived coupons from subscriptions: These coupons will be removed from all the subscriptions using them. No discount will be applied for those coupons on future invoices. Detaching coupons from subscriptions will happen in a few months after step 2 is done.
To start with, we'd recommend that you do not create new coupons using any of the 3 configurations mentioned above. If you are using the API to create coupons, you should also update your code to not use these configurations.
Based on your discount requirements, you can create new coupons using the other applicable discount options and update existing subscriptions with them. To ensure subscriptions are not affected by the deprecation, we recommend that you make the necessary changes as soon as possible.