Convenience was once king, but it’s losing ground to the self controlled customer, as the internet rolls more towards the self serve economy we bring forward the power of self serve to your subscription business.
Subscription revenue based businesses are massively structured on customer-merchant relationships. And what better way to augment it further than by allowing customers to dictate the terms of the relationships. The amount of toils that go into the life of a subscription revenue business is umpteen. As if month on month of timely invoicing and notifications is not enough, these businesses should also track pending invoices, expiring cards and promptly urge the customers for due action. These tasks do not really sound meticulous when at a budding stage, but as a positive growth factor comes into play the headaches surrounding these only multiply.
So what better solution than empowering your customers with self service capabilities. Your team may not be available round the clock administering minute changes to your subscriber’s information, but with self service your customers could rather supervise their information before contacting you in the first place. The key in self service is to not trap your customers in an endless series of to and fro emails but rather enable them to command and dictate their own preferences of your product or service. So here is a customer portal designed to solve all your subscription business’s self service needs.
Relax and get your foot off the pedal
The main aim of the customer portal design was to alleviate you off any mundane tasks by rather empowering your customers to take control of their subscriptions. In the v1 of the portal,your customers could:
- Scroll through their account timeline.
- Download specific or all invoices.
- Change their billing credentials, or personal information.
- Edit or preview where to ship the product to.
- Update card information in a PCI compliant mode.

With the power of self serve at your fingertips, get ready to watch your support conversations dwindle.
Just another extension of your website
With the same principles we’ve adopted while designing the hosted payment pages, the self service portal is designed in its crux to mirror every bit of your wonderful product and service. Fully editable from the context to the colour combinations to the fonts and languages, the self service portal will let you easily reflect yourself in every aspect of the the customer portal. All themes were designed for a smooth experience across tablets, mobiles or desk browsers alike.

Oh! Did I mention that you need no design skills to set this up, just pick an existing theme and quickly edit in the relevant and edit out the irrelevant parts and you are all set to bowl your customers over with some real pretty webpages.
And what about the Setup?..
Don’t you worry irrespective of the development arsenal at your hand, the customer portal is very easy to manage. From a simple setup of just embedding the link to the hosted portal to a more intuitive self managed user login system, the customer portal supports it all.
And with easily editable settings, control your users experiences in the customer portal.

Many web apps have figured that customers prefer being in control and figuring things out themselves rather than follow a linear approach to request support teams to spell things out for them. So give your customers the freedom to add and mend their subscriptions, while they traverse through their payment histories and invoices or update their billing or shipping information by themselves.
So what are you waiting for, find this under your Settings > Hosted Page Settings > Customer Portal tab and start sculpting away. If you are yet to upgrade to the new hosted payment pages, fire off an email to for an immediate switch up.