
RevRec 4-4-5 Accounting 


An accounting period is a span of time during which businesses gather, prepare, and organize their financial activity. The accounting cycle begins at the start of the accounting period and ends on the final day of the period. Once the accounting period closes, the company can prepare its financial statements based on the work done during the accounting cycle.

4-4-5 Accounting Calendar is one of the methods of managing accounting periods. The 4-4-5 accounting calendar means that in each quarter, the first accounting period consists of the first four weeks, the second period consists of the next four weeks, and the third period consists of the next five weeks. This quarter accounts for 13 weeks, and the four quarters account for 52 weeks in total or the full calendar year.

A twist to this uniform schedule occurs once in every six years when a fifty-third week comes up to catch up for leap years and the standard 52-week year accounts for only 364 days.

How RevRec Handles 445 Accounting? 

When 4-4-5 accounting functionality is enabled, RevRec closes the accounting period with a defined fiscal period-end instead of the gregorian calendar month-end. Revenue Recognition is done according to the number of days in a fiscal period which means that it works only with the Daily Ratable Plan where RevRec calculates the per day revenue of a contract and applies it to the number of days in each fiscal period.

You can configure the following three combinations of this accounting calendar in RevRec as follows:

  • 4-4-5 accounting calendar
  • 4-5-4 accounting calendar
  • 5-4-4 accounting calendar

RevRec has an added ability for every sixth year, an extra week is added to the last quarter of that fiscal year to catch up for leap years.


The extra week to adjust for the leap year gets added to the eleventh month of the sixth year by default. Optionally, you can configure it to be added to the twelfth month.

Configuring 4-5-5 Accounting in RevRec 

Contact RevRec Support to enable this feature on your RevRec site with the following information to set the fiscal year start date and the accounting calendar method:

Setting Configuration Options
Week Grouping 4-4-5, 4-5-4, 5-4-4
Last Day of Week Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Last Month of Year Any month between January and December
Leap Year Strategy The extra week to be added to:
the eleventh month of the sixth year, or
the twelfth month of the sixth year


If the last day of the week is set to Saturday and the last month of the year is configured as January, then

  • 29th January will be the end of the previous fiscal year as per the calendar date.
  • 30th January will be the start date of the current fiscal year.


4-4-5 Accounting Calendar 

A one-year ratable contract is created with a contract value of $1,200 on 15th January 2022. The fiscal year start date is set as 30th January.

As per the fiscal calendar, the contract date - 15th January 2022 falls in the last period of the previous fiscal year since the current fiscal year starts on 30th January. With the group 4-4-5, the last period of the previous fiscal year consists of 35 days. Therefore, revenue is recognized for 15 days in that period. Furthermore, the system follows a 28-28-35 days routine in the current fiscal year and recognizes revenue accordingly.

Acct Period Acct Period Start Date Acct Period End Date Days in Acct Pd Rev Start/End date Days of RevRec Rev Recognized
2021-12 12/26/2021 01/29/2022 35 01/15/2022 15 49.32
2022-01 01/30/2022 02/26/2022 28 28 92.052
2022-02 02/27/2022 03/26/2022 28 28 92.052
2022-03 03/27/2022 04/30/2022 35 35 115.07

4-5-5 Accounting Calendar 

A one-year ratable contract is created with a contract value of $1,200 on 15th January 2022. The fiscal year start date is set as 30th January.

As per the fiscal calendar, the contract date - 15th January 2022 falls in the last period of the previous fiscal year since the current fiscal year starts on 30th January 2022. With the group 4-5-4, the last period of the previous fiscal year consists of 28 days. Therefore, revenue is recognized for 15 days in that period. Furthermore, the system follows a 28-35-28 days routine in the current fiscal year and recognizes revenue accordingly.

Acct Period Acct Period Start Date Acct Period End Date Days in Acct Pd Rev Start/End date Days of RevRec Rev Recognized
2021-12 01/02/2022 01/29/2022 28 01/15/2022 15 49.31
2022-01 01/30/2022 02/26/2022 28 28 92.05
2022-02 02/27/2022 04/02/2022 35 35 115.06
2022-03 04/03/2022 04/30/2022 28 28 92.05

5-4-4 Accounting Calendar/Group 

A one-year ratable contract is created with a contract value of $1,200 on 15th January 2022. The fiscal year start date is set as 30th January.

As per the fiscal calendar, the contract date - 15th January 2022 falls in the last period of the previous fiscal year since the current fiscal year starts on 30th January 2022. With the group 5-4-4, the last period of the previous fiscal year consists of 28 days. Therefore, revenue is recognized for 15 days in that period. Furthermore, the system follows a 35-28-28 days routine in the current fiscal year and recognizes revenue accordingly.

Acct Period Acct Period Start Date Acct Period End Date Days in Acct Pd Rev Start/End date Days of RevRec Rev Recognized
2021-12 01/02/2022 01/29/2022 28 01/15/2022 15 49.31
2022-01 01/30/2022 03/05/2022 35 35 115.07
2022-02 03/06/2022 04/02/2022 28 28 92.05
2022-03 04/03/2022 04/30/2022 28 28 92.05

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