How to maintain your SSP library?
What is the Standalone Selling Price library format?
What are the Effects on Existing Orders in RevRec?
You can easily download your current SSP library into Microsoft Excel change it and load it back up again. The library is expressed as a single sheet called 'StandaloneSellingPrice' with a rule for every product you are selling.
Standalone Selling Price Library Format
To learn more about the Standalone Price rules you can use take a gander at this article. This also covers revenue recognition and commission amortization rules.
Once you have your updated library you can upload the entire thing in bulk. To do this navigate to the Standalone Selling Price page. Now click on the 'Upload SSP Library' button. The following dialog will appear;
Drag your SSP library file here (you can name it anything but the sheet name has to be 'StandaloneSellingPrice') or Upload the file using the 'Upload' button. Once the file shows up click the Done button.
If no errors are found during the validation of the SSP library you will be asked to 'Confirm and Save' the SSP library.
If there are any errors during SSP library validation, the below screen will be shown:
You can fix the validation errors and then upload your file again.
Effects on Existing Orders
If the SSP has an effect on existing orders you will see an alert that asks you if you want to re-process those affected orders. If you chose to do so it will take existing orders that may have been in error, re-process them immediately and mark them as active. Note that any effects for older orders will only post to the current accounting period.