
Integrations Articles & FAQ

RevRec, Integration, salesforce, Configure

How to integrate RevRec with Salesforce integration?

You can integrate Salesforce in RevRec by navigating from RevRec > Sync > Connect with other data >








Does RevRec leverage direct sync with Salesforce?

Does RevRec leverage direct sync with Salesforce? 


How to integrate RevRec with Salesforce integration?

RevRec integration with Salesforce


In order to leverage direct sync with Salesforce you must be on a version that supports access to the API. See more about it here on the salesforce site. Once you verify your Salesforce version, then log in to your RevRec site, then you can navigate to the environment panel on the top left corner of your site name then select Production for the live environment or Test for the sandbox environment to configure Salesforce in RevRec by navigating from RevRec > Sync > Connect with other data > Sales > Salesforce.


  1. After logging in to your RevRec site, navigate to the right environment in which you are integrating Salesforce.

  2. Click Sync > Connect to other systems icon.

  3. On the Connect your data pop-up, select Sales > Salesforce.

  1. Refer to this link for more information on how to configure Salesforce.

Post RevRec-Salesforce integration

We expect that products being sold are on the opportunity product list in Salesforce for each opportunity. You can see this on the opportunity page in Salesforce as shown below

The Date, Quantity, and Sales Price for the opportunity line item are populated

The product being sold is on the price book and the Term and List Price are populated.

Term and Product Type fields on products are not available in Salesforce out-of-the-box. To add these fields to the product, please follow Salesforce help link Create Custom Fields. The data type for Term fields is Number and for Product Type is Text.
Click here to learn about how the Term and Product Type fields are used in RevRec.

Note: Our standard sync integration leverages the Opportunity object in Salesforce to automatically create a sales order in the system for every opportunity that is in the "Closed Won" stage.
In order to leverage direct sync with Salesforce you must be on a version that supports access to the API. See more about it here on the salesforce site.

Custom Configuration

Our custom integration service allows you to implement a custom sales process and still directly sync with Salesforce.

The RevRec services team can pick up any custom field in Salesforce and map these fields and attributes to determine the fields mentioned above. Contact our sales team to learn more about this service.

Note: Salesforce integration requires API access to your Salesforce instance which may cost you an additional amount. Please see here to learn more.

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