Episode 08

Strategic Planning, Growth, and Product Management

A data-driven product executive with more than 20 years of experience in digital technology, analytics, and product management, Jodi McDermott discusses such topics as agile development, strategic planning, product growth, and the importance of prioritizing specific activities to achieve business outcomes.

Jodi McDermott Chief Product Officer at Dude Solutions

Episode 08

Jodi McDermott - Strategic Planning, Growth, and Product Management

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Jodi McDermott, Chief Product Officer at Dude Solutions, is Vikram’s guest on the podcast this week. A data-driven product executive with more than 20 years of experience in digital technology, analytics, and product management, Jodi has worked with companies such as Gartner, comScore, Inc, and SHL during her illustrious career. She brings this vast amount of experience and knowledge to her conversation with Vikram here today.

During the interview, Jodi discusses such topics as agile development, strategic planning, product growth, and the importance of prioritizing specific activities to achieve business outcomes. She then looks at how to ensure client satisfaction and upsell a client, financial concepts like budgeting, the impact of COVID-19 on her business, and how building strong relationships with people are critical. Jodi and Vikram finish by discussing how different business functions need to come together while crafting a product strategy. Listen in today to learn all about strategic planning, growth, and product management from this truly outstanding leader in the field.

The Finer Details of This Episode

   -Questions you need to ask during the strategic planning process

   -The importance of conducting research and listening to your customers

   -How to find a product-market fit

   -The things that go into the product growth phase

   -The importance of empathy during a crisis

   -Aspects to consider during a merger or an acquisition

   -Involving your team members in the strategic planning process


“And you know, one of the things I strongly believe in is that it is a privilege to be in the product organization. People are trusting you with a lot of information, and that you will take all of that information and reduce it down to making the best decisions of priorities of what’s going to have the best impacts with the clients.’’

“And it’s really about evangelizing and getting out there and helping people understand ‘Here’s the vision for where we’re going, and what we want to bring together over the course of the next, you know, three to five years.’’’

“And your support team being delighted, you know, talking to clients and users on a regular basis that need help, you bring people along because they understand that product can be an enabler. It can also be inhibiting if things aren’t going well.’’

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